Prairie Path Art Prints

A green and white house with the door open.
A fog hangs over Morris Reserve near Bellbrook Ohio This park once served as farmland but it was converted over to a tallgrass prairie a few years ago According to artifacts found on the farm we know that since the last ice age five native peoples have called this land home On this summer morning the prairie path leads visitors past the grey head coneflowers and wild bergamot

Morris Reserve, Bellbrook Ohio

Morris Reserve lies under the responsibility of the Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Park District. The park resides in Sugarcreek Township and just outside Bellbrook, Ohio. As shared in a previous post, artifacts discovered in this park, as it made its conversion from a farm to a tallgrass prairie, indicate five Native American people have called this prairie home since the last ice age. Today, it lies a few thousand feet from my home and serves as a quiet place of inspiration.

A green and white house with the door open.
Morris Reserve near Bellbrook Ohio serves as one of my favored parks As evidenced by artifacts found in this park this path traverses land that five cultures have called home since the last ice age With the help of the State of Ohio teamed with impactful non profit organizations park managers recently converted this former farm back to a tallgrass prairie On this late summer evening the setting sun warmly backlights the Indian grass Sorghastrum nutans and golden rods Solidago ohioensis in golden light

Prairie Path Art Prints

Prairies, like Morris Reserve, are favored photography subjects. This time of year, prairies are typically filled with colorful wildflowers. When captured at sunrise, the night’s dew clings to the wildflowers making for sparkling and magical scenes. For me, as the park trails meander through the wildflowers, they make for the perfect prairie path art prints. When capturing a scene, I try to compose the image with the trail entering from the bottom corners and then leading the eye into the landscape, giving the art piece a sense of depth.

A green and white house with the door open.
An elevated view over Morris Reserve near Bellbrook Ohio As one of the region’s newest parks and as evidenced by the artifacts recovered from this park we now know five Native American peoples called this land home since the last ice age In 2016 the Bellbrook Sugarcreek Park District acquired this land with the assistance of several non profits who recognized the importance of this former farmland as a tallgrass prairie and as lands bordering the Little Miami River On this autumn evening I hoisted my camera above the prairie to capture this amazing sunset as the golden light washes over the Indian Grass and Golden Rod

Waiting Room Artwork

Medical studies proved patients feel better, experience lower blood pressure, require less pain medication, and are discharged faster when surrounded by nature photography. As a result, today’s hospitals are procuring artwork built on the principles of evidence-based design in healthcare art. The large secret entails that what works in a healthcare environment also serves business owners in other industries. If you own a business where clients spend a few minutes in your waiting room, why not place artwork in front of them which allows them to contemplate in a few moments of peace? Be sure to select a representational scene (one the viewer immediately understands) and avoid black-and-white photography or abstract art. Abstract art works in a museum, but given its vague, ambiguous, and confusing construct, the art can leave viewers unsettled….not the feeling business owners want to instill in their clients in the waiting room. If you to view additional artwork solutions check out this gallery of meadows and prairie footpaths.