Dragonfly Dome by Voss Finn, Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park No. 11

The Story:       The Dragonfly Dome created by Voss Finn is on display at the Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park, in Hamilton Ohio. In this work viewed from inside the dome, the connected dragonfly silhouettes offer visitors a fanciful view of geometric patterns as the summer sun forms a starburst effect.


Sublocation:   Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park

City, State:      Hamilton, Ohio

Year:                2020

Keywords:       x


Product Description

A dome viewed from the inside of dragonfly silhouettes as the bright midday sun illuminated the sky

The Dragonfly Dome created by Voss Finn is on display at the Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park, in Hamilton Ohio. In this work viewed from inside the dome, the connected dragonfly silhouettes offer visitors a fanciful view of geometric patterns as the summer sun forms a starburst effect.