Brickhouse by Chakaia Booker, Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park No. 22

The Story:       Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park lies near Hamilton, Ohio whose 300 acres hold over 80 outdoor sculptures throughout the park’s trees and rolling hills. One piece which stands out is Brickhouse by Chakaia Booker. This work appears as an uncoiling serpent created from cut rubber tires placed on a stainless-steel frame.


Sublocation:   Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park

City, State:      Hamilton, Ohio

Year:                2020

Keywords:       x


Product Description

A black sculpture created from cut tires arranged as an uncoiling serpent

Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park lies near Hamilton, Ohio whose 300 acres hold over 80 outdoor sculptures throughout the park’s trees and rolling hills. One piece which stands out is Brickhouse by Chakaia Booker. This work appears as an uncoiling serpent created from cut rubber tires placed on a stainless-steel frame.