Evidence-based Design in Healthcare Art
If you are seeking art for your walls that give
your space a sense of peace, I'm ready to help!
A primer on Evidence-based Design in Healthcare Art
- Evidence-based design (EBD) principles guide art programs in today’s top healthcare facilities
- Researchers divided a hospital with traditional art on one side of the hallway & nature photography in the other rooms
- EBD researchers proved when patients are immersed in nature, they had lower blood pressure, less stress, required less pain meds, healed & were discharged faster…EBD produces favorable patient outcomes
- The same principles benefit corporate boardrooms, hospitality facilities, and government offices/hallways
Art Buyer Tips
- SELECT representational landscapes (where viewer understands the scene); allows the mind to relax
- SELECT landscapes with long sightlines and open skies which fosters a sense of openness/safety; theory lies in threats of ambush in prehistoric man’s life
- SELECT scenes filled with plants and lush gardens; builds on biophilia theory; abundant life is good
- SELECT local scenes; allows you to tout pride in the local area & where your waiting room art becomes a conversation piece about shared experiences
- AVOID abstract art; induces confusion and doubt which is bad for patients facing big life decisions & loss of control in their lives
- AVOID black & white prints which are cold & confusing, why foster this mood in clients?
- AVOID wildlife subjects which often remind viewers/clients they are part of the food chain
- AVOID certain colors like red in the ER Dept
- AVOID misusing scene w/ room’s purpose; water is good unless it’s in the bladder ultrasound room
Excellent Sources in Evidence-based Design in Healthcare Art
- Picture Of Health: Handbook for Healthcare Art - Henry Domke, M.D.
- Putting Patients First - Best Practices 2d Ed - Frampton and Charmel
- A Guide to Evidence-based Art - Kathy Hathorn and Upali Nanda